Saturday, July 26, 2008

What's this all about?

I said to Tina, we should do a joint blog thing. Because I've always wanted to do that with someone. But, we don't really know how it will work or what the deal is. So, here's the beginning.

Here are some thoughts:

We will probably have to talk about ourselves in the third person. But, given that we are both Princesses in one way or another, that may not be a bad thing. Perhaps we can distinguish by color who is who. If so, I pick RED because I always picke RED!

So, maybe we'll just talk about stuff that we've been thinking about and then the other person can comment in their assigned color. Maybe we'll try to get random questions to discuss. Who knows?

I guess we should explain that we're not spelling idiots, that we know it's waxing whimsical. Whistical is not a real word. But one day, as our joint time in Virginia was waning, I was talking about something and Tina said "what's wrong? You sound... whistical." Then, admitted she wasn't sure if she wasn't sure she meant whimsical or wistful and combined the two.

Wistful: –adjective
1.characterized by melancholy; longing; yearning.
2.pensive, esp. in a melancholy way.

Whimsical: -- adjective
1. given to whimsy or fanciful notions; capricious: a pixyish, whimsical fellow.
2. of the nature of or proceeding from whimsy, as thoughts or actions

3. erratic; unpredictable

I think this is a perfect description of many of the random , rambling conversations we have had through the time of our friendship and I can't wait for you to join in our discussions.

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