Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Yearning

Heather Darling,

Who doesnt want a family? I mean sure, no one wants a family quite like the one they had, but we are optimistic that our children will love us more than we our parents and we wont be quite as uncool and overbearing.

The older I get the more I realize how much having children will change my life. How my friends will only be their friends parents. How much of my time will revolve around just keeping they alive. When I spoke to my friend Rebekah and she was overjoyed to be out alone with out her 16 month old. (First child) just to be able to go shopping sans ensemble is a joy, it made be so thankful for my life without children.

But i know what you mean. I feel the call. It not terribly strong yet, but imagine as you say, it gets louder over years.

And as far as were concerned, were outside the norm thus far, I wouldnt give us up as goners yet.

I love you too.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Dear Tina,

I don't understand why everyone on the shows I watch has to be pregnant?

Dude, seriously?

I tried to explain to Scott that at my age the closest thing I feel to peer pressure is the wanting to have kids. I KNOW that I am not ready to be responsible for another human being in my heart of hearts, but I really feel the pressure of my hormones and just the peer pressure. I DO NOT understand how people fight this pressure! This is where we really have the difference in our ages. I envy you your youth and your time to make this decision.

And I'm old enough to know that this will change our friendship. I don't want that. I want things to always feel the same between us, but this pressure... You don't know. When I am free to think about it, it's all that I think about. In the weirdest, oddest times..... I kind of think that our spring fling is going to be when I coincide... Well.

I'm just ready... And the thing is that is that it's totally the wrong time in my life and maybe it will be the biggest heartbreak in my life... But, Tina -- it's like falling in love. This feeling of knowing that I want a family and knowing that I am capable of being part of creating life. It's just incredible.

But, I think I'm just hormonal and drunk.

Who knows?

love you!


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Never tell anyone that you're writing a book, going on a diet, exercising, taking a course, or quitting smoking. They'll encourage you to death.
- Lynn Johnston

Saturday, January 3, 2009

What, twice in one week?

So, im not so sure whats wrong with being bitchy. I mean. it is who we are. We do not try to hide who we are. Sure, maybe we would like to be nicer people. In quiet moments, maybe we strive to be kinder, but when the fit hits the shan, we are who we is and this pages is about me and you and those who enjoy the show so... feed em grits.
I am so on a bend right now because I am so over people who lecture me about being nice and then are critical or fail at routine politeness. Im like hello, things like saying thank you and not mentioning ever single time you screw something up, goes towards that whole being a nice person thing, not just not saying the first derisive thing that comes to mind. Just because my mind is conditioned to be trite.
Anyway, enough about work.
We switched bedrooms with denise. She was sleeping on the sofa. I dont remember if i told you that or not.
Something about sleeping in the bed where she used to sleep with kenny. Made her depressed. Cant imagine. jj/k
so now we have time master suite complete with king size bed. I am so going to be spoilt.

love you.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

I remembered I was supposed to blog about my hangover!

So, how drunk could I have been...? I mean, I'm not even hungover -- what a waste, ha ha.

I don't know. It was a strange night. I mean, strange. Weird mix of people who didn't know each other.

I think part of the reason that I don't blog anymore is because all of the bitchy things that we say to each other is in private when we're just talking. But if we're saying bitchy things on the internet -- well, then we're just bitches.

And if we're not saying bitchy things -- then WHAT are we blogging about?! Julia says the blogs need themes. This is when she was on her "let's get a blog together" roll -- but, maybe she's right? Maybe we need a theme for our blog.

Oh and anyway -- I haven't read The Tipping Point so I couldn't have recommended The Outliers either. I talked about this: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/cool/ <-- which I can't get the hyperlink for, but it was that merchants of cool thing that you said you already saw.

I do have to say though that your interest in sociology has renewed my own interest and I'm actually excited to start my Cultural Anthropology class in the Spring. Even if it is a 100 level class. ;-)

Rebecca and her husband Keith joined in with Tom and John and gave Scott a renewed WOW interest. I should have lots more time to blog now...

love ya!