Thursday, July 31, 2008

Celebrity "Fantasy" List

So, there was once this episode of Entourage where Vinnie slept with this chick was getting married in a week or less. He did not know this until a wild afternoon of sex. She said it was no big deal because she and her fiance have a celebrity "pass" list where if either one of them ever had the opportunity to have sex with this particular celebrity then they got a free pass.

Scott and I are having this discussion because Smallville is coming on. So, I -- of course -- put Tom Welling on my list because, well, he's Tom Welling and roooowwwwr. Scott decides that he would like the option of deciding who his pass is AFTER the event occurs. Even though this whole thing is ridiculously hypothetical, I still say -- you have to name a name, otherwise it's just cheating.


I agree completely. There must be a well established list. The list can be updated or changed, but it has to be public knowledge who is on the list. And then the person has be on the list. You can't just go around wily-nily. Otherwise, whats the point of the list if you could put anyones name on it after the fact. And if that was the case, who decides who qualifies for the list? Commercial actresses? Theater actresses? Models? Hand Models? I mean, technically, strippers can be considered actresses. There are just to many grey areas.

On reflection, I dont know that I have a list. Colin Farrell is pretty yummy. And of course I will always love Josh. But thats probably about all of it.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Huh? What?

So, I have been having another one of those hard hearing days. I feel like I'm underwater and things just aren't clear. They do all kinds of things underwater now, basket weaving, photography, polo etc.

I am hoping it's sleep deprivation and stress but it's a scary glimpse into my future.

Will my drunk phone calls become drunk texts? Will this then paralyze my thumbs? Are you having thumb issues?

And closed captioning is annoying. I can't watch and read -- I can't even chew gum and read. Do they make large print closed captioning?

Sometimes I feel like I'm staring down a backwards telescope of my life and all the things I want to do, I should have done them because they're not going to be possible. Get going.

And when I feel this way, I miss my friend who pretends she is going to learn sign language and that being deaf isn't the end of an extrovert's life...I will learn sign language. Im not pretending. I love you. And thats all.

that's all.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Well then I suppose I shall be green. I like green. Not that I am in support of earth friendliness. Not that I am against. The Mayans believe the Earth will die in 2012. Where will all our conservation leave us then?

See, I feel this way about quitting smoking and drinking and eating healthy, etc. Sure, I could do all that (it's my imagination), but if I'm going to die anyways -- who cares? Did I ever tell you about the time that Scott said they were testing some project that was trying to reinvent the Big Bang and "just thought I'd let you know because if they actually do it then the world is going to end in 2 weeks..."? I felt like, if you had known that why did you let me pay the mortgage on time?

Digression... Isn't the point of our blog digression?

Nothing so fortifies a friendship as a belief on the part of one friend that he is superior to the other.
- Honore de Balzac

I enjoyed this quote this morning. I thought of you and all of our better house entertainment trends and givers and takers synergistic discussions. The funny thing is, we work so well because we are each good at our part. Each superior, but at our own way. It's funny how mankind is so arrogant. Its funny how we perhaps are superior, but yet we arent.

Ryan and I were discussing (something to do with pop culture and science and I said well it depends on whether you are young earth or old earth creationist) that people dont always mean what they say. Or know what they say means. Take for example the word superior.
It has at least 13 definitions by my count on
Having to do with moral compass, military rank, age, location on the body etc.
There is an entire branch of philosophy dedicated to the defining of words and there meanings. How could there not be with well I was going to say the number of words that Eskimos have for snow and when I tried to find out how many words Eskimos have for snow I found this:

Wiki: It is a popular urban legend that the Inuit or Eskimo have an unusually large number of words for snow. The legend has snowballed from "dozens" to "hundreds" to "thousands" of words for snow.
In reality, the number of words depends on the definitions of Eskimo (there are a number of languages) and snow, and on the method of counting numbers of words in languages that have quite different grammatical structures from English.
Which of course just proves my point. Which by this point in time, I have forgotten except for this. You may think what you think, but remember what you think may not infact be what you think. You may say what you mean, but what you have said may not infact be what you meant.
And you can be superior and inferior at the same time, so don't let any of us get a big head about it.

And speaking of superior, in fact is IN FACT two different words. Grrrr.

Heather, I think I started off this talking to you, and of course by the end am disseminating cake to the populous.
So, it's your fault the populous is fat? All this time I was blaming McDonald's. (Or is this some reference I'm missing again?)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

What's this all about?

I said to Tina, we should do a joint blog thing. Because I've always wanted to do that with someone. But, we don't really know how it will work or what the deal is. So, here's the beginning.

Here are some thoughts:

We will probably have to talk about ourselves in the third person. But, given that we are both Princesses in one way or another, that may not be a bad thing. Perhaps we can distinguish by color who is who. If so, I pick RED because I always picke RED!

So, maybe we'll just talk about stuff that we've been thinking about and then the other person can comment in their assigned color. Maybe we'll try to get random questions to discuss. Who knows?

I guess we should explain that we're not spelling idiots, that we know it's waxing whimsical. Whistical is not a real word. But one day, as our joint time in Virginia was waning, I was talking about something and Tina said "what's wrong? You sound... whistical." Then, admitted she wasn't sure if she wasn't sure she meant whimsical or wistful and combined the two.

Wistful: –adjective
1.characterized by melancholy; longing; yearning.
2.pensive, esp. in a melancholy way.

Whimsical: -- adjective
1. given to whimsy or fanciful notions; capricious: a pixyish, whimsical fellow.
2. of the nature of or proceeding from whimsy, as thoughts or actions

3. erratic; unpredictable

I think this is a perfect description of many of the random , rambling conversations we have had through the time of our friendship and I can't wait for you to join in our discussions.