Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Yearning

Heather Darling,

Who doesnt want a family? I mean sure, no one wants a family quite like the one they had, but we are optimistic that our children will love us more than we our parents and we wont be quite as uncool and overbearing.

The older I get the more I realize how much having children will change my life. How my friends will only be their friends parents. How much of my time will revolve around just keeping they alive. When I spoke to my friend Rebekah and she was overjoyed to be out alone with out her 16 month old. (First child) just to be able to go shopping sans ensemble is a joy, it made be so thankful for my life without children.

But i know what you mean. I feel the call. It not terribly strong yet, but imagine as you say, it gets louder over years.

And as far as were concerned, were outside the norm thus far, I wouldnt give us up as goners yet.

I love you too.

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